Now a days you can see many fake accounts in Facebook, Facebook team can implement the below idea to stop fake accounts
How this Idea came up in my Mind
I am interested in working with Facebook, but unfortunately i don't know how to approach the Facebook teamAssumed got an offer from Facebook and thinking in a direction in which way i can improve or enhance the security features of Facebook
Problem statement : Facebook has many fake accounts
Solution :
Government of India Introduced Aadhaar in 2009Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique-identity number issued to all Indian residents based on their biometric and demographic data.
By Linking Aadhaar with Facebook accounts we can stop fake accounts easily
Now-a-days Government of India is linking Mobile Phone number , bank accounts , LPG and IT returns with Aadhaar
so by linking Facebook accounts with Aadhaar we can reduce Fake accounts
I think this idea changes the Face of Facebook
By implementing this idea Facebook will get Original Information (Name of Person, Age, interests )
#FacebookIdea #Sharathkumar11 #markzuckerberg #Aadhaar #Idea #ChangeWorld #ChangeIndia
#FacebookChange #IndiaFacebook